Real Estate Investing for Those Who Crave Amazing Cash Flow

Welcome to Silent River Properties LLC.

Learn how we utilize real estate strategies that are easy to duplicate, and are being proven to work everyday by  successful investors all over the country. These strategies allow you to create and grow wealth without the unpredictability or lower returns you would experience with many other investment vehicles. Fortunately, real estate is both a high security and high return investment. 
With real estate, your investments are tangible, physical objects that you can touch and with minimal research, and whose value can easily be estimated. And in some cases, property values can be raised through certain methods, thus resulting in even greater returns. Not only do we perform all the work on behalf of our Private Investors, but we pay them fixed double digit returns. We'll show you exactly how it all works.
If you already happen to be an experienced investor, we'll show you how you can become a Private Lender to leverage your funds to grow it even further, without having to deal with properties yourself.  
If you have a retirement account such as a 401k, mutual fund, annuity, CD, or the like, we can show how you can utilize those funds to become usable for the purpose of investing in real estate. 

What we do

Our Mission Statement

To Provide Our Investors Double Digit Investment Returns By Matching Our Knowledge And Acquisition Of Undervalued Real Estate Assets With Investors Looking For Investment Alternatives And Double Digit Returns

Contact Us For Your Real Estate Needs

Our highly qualified experts will complete any task fast and reliably

We Work Hard So You Can Relax

We'll help make  your vision, we’ll help make it a reality with our expertise. Here are some of the things that we do.

Learn About How To Become a Private Lender

We'll show you how to become a private lender.  Also, how to utilize your retirement account funds for real estate. 

Learn Why Real Estate is a much better investment alternative than most every other method

Graphs and stats discussing different returns for various investing methods compared to real estate.
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